To create a class:
VALUE rb_define_class("name", parent_class);
VALUE rb_define_class_under(module_or_class, "name", parent_class);
To create a method:
rb_define_method(class, "name", c_function, argc)
argc is the number of arguments of the function, not including the first parameter of the c_function which would be the instance variable. Default Parameters can be implemented by setting this number to negative. (-1 would mean variable number of parameters, -2 would create an array to store the arguments)
"name" is the name of the method in ruby, for setter methods you would add the = to the name just like in ruby ( ie "name=" ). The same with operator for the [] operator you will use the string "[]" or "[]=".
The format of a ruby function accepting a variable number of arguments (argc = -1) would be like this:
VALUE function( int argc, VALUE* args, VALUE instance );
argc is the number of arguments passed.
args is an array containing the arguments.
instance is the instance of the object.
The format for a ruby function accepting an array of arguments (argc = -2) :
VALUE function( VALUE instance, VALUE array_of_arguments);
To access instance variables you will use this two methods:
rb_iv_get(instance, "variable");
rb_iv_set(instance, "variable", new_value);
stay tuned for part II.
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